0% VOC emissions
AkzoNobel has worked hard to remove solvent-based paints in favor of water-based paints. Water-based dyestuffs dry faster and are easier to clean. And they do not smell, which means that the air in the room, if such paints are used, is cleaner and more qualitative. And the growing demand for AkzoNobel organic products confirms that consumers appreciate the difference.

AkzoNobel was honored to receive the Carbon Trust Triple Standard. This is the highest award that can be obtained from an independent international organization specializing in environmental impact assessment. This makes AkzoNobel one of the first companies to achieve a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, waste and water consumption, thus meeting all three Carbon Trust standards. And this confirms that AkzoNobel’s production becomes cleaner and greener every year. AkzoNobel’s company for 12 years has been consistently included in the Dow Jones World Development Durable Index (introduced in 1999 as the first official international eco- socio-economic) and has been included in the top three in the last ten years.